Teleömeter Q#280:
The Fourth Question (see for others)1:
Question #4 (to become #280): Do you think the following exerpt from Yes ( page 17) is basically true or false as regards its definition of reason and faith and their mutual exclusiveness?
That is, T or F?
Reason and faith are mutually exclusive terms. Reason is drawing conclusions based on sensory evidence—including inferences based on earlier formed conclusions based on sensory evidence—and faith is drawing conclusions based on the absence of sensory evidence—including inferences based on earlier formed conclusions based on the absence of sensory evidence. For evidence #1 that says it is possible that religion is evil, see page 194 footnote #173’s description of the “Doubting Thomas” premise from The Holy Bible (for evidence #2 see the religion [redundantly?] known as [Militant] Islam). Reason and faith can mutually coexist in the same person but not at the same time when that time is time to draw a conclusion. Here the conclusion drawer either uses reason to make the inductive leap from uncertainty to certainty (via the Objectivist identified steps of possible-probable-certain based on evaluation of actual evidence for each and every step) or he or she wishes the conclusion would go away and so they evade the logical conclusion and don’t make it. In Objectivism this is the meaning of the statement: “…your blank entries are your blackest sins…”. For me this means me (and for you it means you) refusing to draw a conclusion (blanking out) when I (you) have enough pertinent facts to draw one. By conclusions I mean failing to make reality based cause-effect links when I have the information to do so. My refusal to know what I know and see what I see is self made, that is, me made blindness, which is evasion. When we add faith to evasion in an attempt (be it innocent or not) to try to solve the problem of evasion we only worsen the problem, we don’t solve it. The inductive leap of faith—as a literal analogy—is standing on the edge of a great divide and choosing to close ones eyes and jump … hoping for the best.
The best does not happen—we Americans, as observers of many bumper stickers know what happens—the best is man made. Specifically, it is reason made. Since man at his philosophical best is a to-be-actualized potential, enter (Biocentric) Psychology.
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Ans #4: _____ (T or F for Certain, lower case t or f for pretty sure but not certain)
More Questions tbd
If your answer to question No. 4 is T rue, then you agree with me.
If your answer is F alse then you don’t and I recommend you write out your own understanding of reason and faith and keep it for your future reference.
If you want to send me a copy of your (one page maximum allowed) rendition for me to keep it for you, be my guest.
But it will cost you.
Send a hard copy of your rendition (on one 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper) with your name and address information and your email address and with a copy of the $10 bill you send with it on the page (front or back) and I’ll file it in my 3 ring binder for my reference and your’s should you loose it somehow and need/want a copy in the future.
If you think you’ll want a copy back from me some day then IN PLACE of your social security number for positive identification put the Serial Number from the $10 bill you have included as payment or simply make the copy be this face of the $10 bill you send with it. Record this for your records as it will become your positive ID with me should you ever need to solicit me for a copy.
Send your rendition copy along with a $10 bill to:
RaIse Books, LLC
P.O. Box 492
Circle Pines, MN 55014
Another benefit to you for sending me your rendition as specified is that sometimes when you know another is “looking over your shoulder”, that is, looking at your explicit (soul) responses to important life questions you can be extra motivated to become a better – and – person.
I also will enter your name and email address into my Newsletter database for you to get future copies of my Newsletters and other mailings for free. ( … if you are an existing member with email only address on file—which all members who have never updated their profile are--and you want to receive these and other flyers in the mail, then update your profile/email address from a received by you RaIseBooks and/or BiO Spiritualism email from me and fill in the update form boxes with your snail mail address information).
1 If on the way there you want to answer Question #3 by filling in the on screen boxes, be my guest. Do a screen copy though and paste it to your own word processor for your future reference as the form—first posted online back in the last century—is not saveable as a filled in form other than copying and pasting as described here.