Theoretical PsycHHology How do you make a pedophile? If we can believe the mainstream media as regards its reports on (the seemingly inordinate number of) pedophile Catholic Priests, then it appears as if the way to do this--for males--is to commit your mind to faith, your psych(h)ology to repression and your spirit to suffering. Then after you do this--it is easy for us to surmise--you will discover there is still something inside of you that rebels against such commitments. And then, when you discover that that something is your ego you will then figure out that in order to achieve your (freely chosen) goal of COMITTING your life to The Church--as described in the foregoing by identifying The Church's Three Highest Human Virtues to be controlled: Father mind, psychhology son and Holy Ghost spirit--you will then discover your first order of business is: not kill bill, but rather, kill ego. When the ego gets wind of this he heads underground as he should. (For elaboration on this, see Selfish'ism.) Without your partner ego you are--at best--half human, or--at worst--on that paved road to hell (that is, evil). If you want to cure yourself of your pedophilia--or better yet, prevent yourself from going over the abyss edge into becoming a pedophile in the first place--then you have to reverse the process. That is, you have to dedicate your mind to reason, your psychology to unobstructed awareness and your spirit to happiness. (If you personally are reversing a process that is more than 10 years old then your dedication will have to approach the level of: worship--and if it is much much greater than 10 years it will have to reach that level.) Then after you successfully cross over the 50% point in pursuit of these--your three--new (replacement) values you set about dealing with the human being known as--you. (For more on this see last quarter's newsletter about Deering's X-curves--from his Handbook on PsycHHology Engineering--for changing your values and monitoring your progress towards achieving them.) If you happen to be a Catholic Priest in pursuit of a better life, good luck. If you are clergy "of lesser faiths" and then by default presumably "of more reason" then don't kid yourself into thinking you can freely choose life-negating values with impunity: since no human being can (Theoretical PsycHHology Principle #N) and since you are a human being then you can't either. Or as they say, everything you do counts. (Theoretical PsycHHology Principle #L) Of course, some things count more than others. (Theoretical PsycHHology Principle #M) If you are neither of the foregoing but rather just an individual human being seeking moral perfection then take notice from the mistakes of others--i.e., Catholic Priests in particular and Clergy in general--as it still is a good way to learn what not to do.
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